Jumat, Juni 12, 2009

broken chain

at first,
I thought we could be a very special friend...
and then we move closer to each other,
we start to opened the stories of each other,
we talked more about each other,
we shared some stories and asked each other's
point of view or opinion...
and sometimes... shared our problem for being an "L"

as times goes by...
suddenly you decided to cut off the chain,
of this sweet relationship that we string...

I don't wanna asked you too many question,
even I had it on my mind...
I thought... it's just a life choice...
You might already have your own decision,
and I'll try to appreciate it...

Take good care of yourself, my dear friend...
may Lord is always be by your side,
through your joy and also your pain,
hope life is always treating you well...

and if only... someday you need a friend
just like me... I'm still here...
you still have my number, right...??

~ Wil Twilite ~
= feel emptiness inside, one friend left me in silent =

( dedicated to: T )

2 komentar:

look at "a World" mengatakan...

Aku pernah seperti itu...
Memutuskan rantai, dan menghilang..
Yang pasti, aku punya sebuah alasan.Kenapa harus kuputuskan, karena aku sayang dia....
Suatu saat potongan rantai itu akan mencari pecahannya sdiri. Karena awalnya mereka memang bersatu.
Tenang saja

Wil Twilite mengatakan...

"Suatu saat potongan rantai itu akan mencari pecahannya sdiri. Karena awalnya mereka memang bersatu"

Kalimat yang terdengar indah...
Semoga saja...

Btw, thanks yaa...